Desmond, William, Rebecca, and Shaun find the Temple in a
cave in New York and access it using their Apple of Eden. After partially
activating the temple, Juno uses it to communicate with Desmond. Desmond is
placed in the Animus where Juno's influence causes him to experience the life
of his ancestor in 1754 England; the Templar Grand Master, Haytham Kenway.
Haytham assassinates a patron at the Royal Opera House and
steals a medallion; the Key to the Temple's inner chamber. Haytham is
dispatched to the American Colonies to locate the Temple. While in Boston, he
kills a slave trader, freeing a group of Mohawks including a woman named
Kaniehti:io. She helps Haytham find the Temple in exchange for him killing
General Braddock. Haytham and Kaniehti:io find that the Key is not able to open
the temple itself. The pair develop a romantic relationship during their time
together. The perspective then shifts to Ratonhnhaké:ton's childhood in 1760.
His mother dies during an attack on his village led by the Templar Charles Lee.
Years later, the village Elder informs a teenage Ratonhnhaké:ton that their
tribe's duty is to prevent the Temple's discovery. The Elder gives him a
transparent Sphere which allows Juno to communicate with him; she tells him of
his importance and shows him the Assassins' symbol. The symbol leads him to the
retired Assassin Achilles Davenport, who reluctantly begins training him as an
Achilles suggests Ratonhnhaké:ton rename himself
"Connor" to enable him to move more freely throughout the Colonies.
While seeking supplies in Boston, Connor is framed by the Templars for
instigating the Boston Massacre. Over the following years, Connor kills several
Templars, and aids in the revolutionary war between the Patriots and the
British. Connor meets with his father, and the two forge a temporary alliance
to eliminate a rogue Templar. Later, Haytham uncovers a letter detailing George
Washington's plan to remove the Indigenous population, including Connor's
tribe, from the frontier to prevent them supporting the Loyalists. Connor
returns to his village and learns that Lee has recruited several Mohawk
warriors to turn back the Patriots sent to eradicate them. Connor neutralizes
the warriors to avoid conflict, but his childhood friend Kanen'tó:kon cannot be
reasoned with and Connor is forced to kill him.
Meanwhile, Desmond is occasionally roused from the Animus to
retrieve power cells from Manhattan and Brazil, necessary for activating the
Temple, before the Templar Daniel Cross can take them. William goes after the
final cell himself, but is captured by the Templars' modern day front,
Abstergo. Desmond assaults the facility, kills Cross and Warren Vidic, and
rescues his father.
Connor becomes conflicted about eliminating the Templars,
and hopes to work with Haytham towards a common vision of peace and freedom.
However, Haytham remains convinced of the chaos of freedom and the necessity to
control the nation by replacing Washington with Lee. Lee is disgraced by
Washington for attempting to sabotage the outcome of a battle and takes refuge
in the heavily fortified Fort George. Connor infiltrates the fort and is
confronted by Haytham; they duel, and Connor kills him. Connor later kills Lee
and recovers the Key. With the Colonial Templars eliminated, Connor returns to
his village only to find it empty, and the Sphere left behind. Using it, Juno
instructs him to conceal the Key where it cannot be found; Connor buries the
Key in the grave of Achilles' son, Connor Davenport.
In 2012, Desmond retrieves the Key and accesses the Temple's
inner chambers. Juno informs him that activating the pedestal will save the
world, but at the cost of his life. Minerva appears before them, opposing the
plan as it will free Juno, who was sealed away in the temple to prevent her
conquering humanity. Juno and Minerva explain that if the solar flare occurs,
Desmond will be one of the few survivors in a post-apocalyptic world. After
Desmond's later death, he will become revered as a god, whose well-intended
legacy will be manipulated to control future generations, restarting the cycle.
Desmond chooses to save humanity and give them the opportunity to fight Juno
rather than be destroyed. William, Shaun and Rebecca leave the temple as
Desmond activates the pedestal; a global aurora protects the planet from the
solar eruption. Juno commends Desmond's choice and declares that it is time for
her part to begin.
In the epilogue, Connor witnesses the last of the British
ships leave New York and a trader selling slaves, a reminder that his fight for
freedom is not over. Connor then returns to his village only to discover that
the Mohawks have gone west after the newly formed Congress sold the land to
settle war debts. Connor is told that bringing in taxes so soon after a war
fought to remove them would only serve to portray the newly formed US
government as a continuation of its predecessor.
Following this, a modern-day voiceover can be heard
directing the listener to locate a number of 'pivot points' that have been
spread out across the memories' graphical representation of the Colonial
America. Once collected, the voiceover returns to congratulate, and informs
that they have now connected to the cloud.
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